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Discussing the repercussions of obesity on the liver and gastric system | Dr.Vel Murugan

Obesity is a medical problem that involves the excessive accumulation of body fat. Obesity can increase the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and many other health problems. Other than this, it is also considered to be a direct cause of some liver and gastrointestinal problems. Here, Dr.Vel Murugan, Kauvery Hospital, Trichy, answers commonly asked questions about obesity and related problems.

    1. What are the common intestine-related problems?

     Common problems

  • Stomach pain, irritation in the stomach and chest, and lack of hunger are some of the common problems among outpatients.
  • Other than this, dysentery, constipation, and blood in stool are some of the other problems.
  • The third common reason for people to visit the hospital is due to pain in a particular area of the stomach.
  • Lack of hunger and problem with swallowing are some common symptoms that a person should never ignore.

       Liver problems – Symptoms

       As for liver disease, jaundice is the most common symptom. Swelling of belly and swelling in the legs are also some of the other symptoms of liver diseases.

       Intestine problems – Symptoms

       Abdominal bloating, problems with digesting, and feeling full even after taking a small portion of food are some of the common symptoms.

       2. Is dysentery a common problem or is it an indication of underlying diseases?

  • 90% of dysentery cases in our country occur due to infections. Lack of hygiene in the food and water we take can cause infection in the intestine, resulting in vomiting and dysentery.
  • Intestinal allergies are another reason for the cause of dysentery. Allergies to certain types of foods can cause dysentery when the person takes these foods.
  • The third major cause of dysentery is due to irritable bowel. There might not be any reasons, but when they eat certain foods, the patient tends to get dysentery.
  • Some people have difficulty during motion and would experience frequent need to relieve themselves even if it is not diarrhoea. This is commonly known as incomplete evacuation or incomplete defecation.
  • Other than these, some people who take medicines involving statins can also get diarrhoea because of allergies to these medicines.
  1. Is mental health related to intestine health?

People with mental health problems like depression, anxiety disorder, and schizophrenia can have intestine-related problems and, as a result, diarrhoea. The medicines administered for these problems can also cause side effects that result in diarrhoea.

  1. Do problems in intestine and food pipe have an effect on the other parts of the body?

One of the most dangerous problems that need to be addressed immediately is the tumour in food pipe. Smoking is the common cause of this problem. Symptoms of tumour in food pipes include problems with swallowing the food, vomiting blood, and lack of hunger, and some might experience pain in the later stages.

Tumours in the food pipe can turn fatal if not detected early. Thus if you notice any of the above-mentioned symptoms, especially difficulty in swallowing, you will have to visit your doctor immediately.

Diagnosis involves a simple procedure called endoscopy. If treatment is started at the early stage, the tumour even if it is identified as cancer can be curable.

  1. Does smoking after eating cause any intestine- or liver-related problems?

Smoking is a habit that can cause many problems, and one of the common among them is cancer. Smoking affects almost all body parts like the food pipe, liver, pancreas, and large intestine and can cause cancer in them.

Smoking also increases the risk of ulcer since it involves excess acid secretion.

  1. I work in marketing and often experience incomplete defecation. Are there any recommended food habits that can treat this problem?

Incomplete defecation at young ages is mostly caused by certain types of lifestyle. Marketing involves frequent travelling and intake of junk and hotel foods. Other than this, inadequate water consumption, lack of foods with fiber, and increased intake of meat and masala items can cause this problem.

There are few bacteria in the intestine, and there is an increase of bad bacteria when you take these types of junk and hotel foods. This can affect the normal function of the intestine and cause a hindrance of bowel movements.

Lifestyle changes are needed to address this problem. Here are some changes you can make in your dietary plan to treat incomplete defecation.

  • Increase in the intake of home-prepared foods
  • Maintaining hygiene in the hotel foods
  • Reduction of masala items
  • Increased intake of vegetables and fruits
  • Adequate water consumption
  • Increased intake of items
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol

      In early ages, tumours are not a main concern, but if the condition pertains, it would be best to get a check-up.

      Also Read: What Is The Role Of The Liver?

  1. I am a diabetic patient and also have fatty liver. What should I do to keep myself healthy?

Fatty liver involves accumulation of fat in the liver. Though it might not cause immediate problems, it can lead to damage to liver or even liver failure if left untreated.

There aren’t any medicines that work for fatty liver, and the only cure that works is weight reduction. Dietary changes and regular exercise for about 45 minutes per day are the only effective solutions that can help a person with fatty liver in the long run.

Reduction of carbohydrates and fats intake in your daily diet is important to treat fatty liver. An increase in protein-based foods, vegetables, and fruits and reduction in the intake of hotel foods are some of the recommendations to reverse fatty liver condition.

  1. I have undergone appendix and hernia operation. After the surgeries, I keep on gaining weight and also have problems with digesting. What should I do to get out of this problem?

If a person with the above complications experiences difficulty with digesting or pain while eating, it might not be related to the operation. These symptoms are usually caused by acidity and ulcer problems. People who experience these symptoms should consult the doctor, and it would be better to get an endoscopic procedure to diagnose the problem.

People who have undergone these surgeries might have developed scars in the intestine, and this can cause bloating of belly and vomiting. This can be diagnosed using scans, and thus it is important to consult gastroenterology doctors.

Gaining weight mostly is not related to surgery, and thus you will have to make dietary changes and exercise regularly to bring it back to normal. If you need help, you can consult the doctor to get related obesity treatment advice.

  1. I have undergone spinal cord surgery and then hernia surgery. I noticed inflammation in that area again, and now I am suggested another surgery. Is it safe to undergo repeated surgeries?

The inflammation might be because of a hernia, and hernia can recur for some people. If you notice symptoms that are making you uncomfortable, it is best to get the surgery done again. Hernia surgery is a simple one, and thus you do not have to panic much.

  1. For the past 4 years, I have been experiencing the need to pass motion right after eating. This hinders my daily activities and travelling. Why does this occur, and what should I do?

This problem usually starts with eating hotel foods and junk foods. But due to the recurrence for many years, it would become a habit for some. You will need to break the habit to get out of this problem.

There are medicines available that can treat the problem to some extent. But along with this you will have to include some lifestyle changes like yoga for long-term benefit.

  1. I have 2 children by C-section. I have recurring pain in upper abdomen. Why does it occur?

Pain in upper abdomen is usually not related to C-section since it is performed in the lower abdomen. Pain in the upper abdomen is usually due to intake of oily foods and junk foods. If this is not the case, the pain might be due to infection in pancreas, gallstones, or stomach ulcers.

It is recommended for you to use the gastroenterology near me option to visit a gastroenterologist and get it diagnosed. Ultrasound scan is usually performed to find problems in pancreas and bile bag. If your doctor insists you to get endoscopy, it is best to proceed with the same.

  1. I have repeated problems of stomach bloating and gas. What should I do?

These problems are usually associated with increased intake of junk foods and hotel foods. But even in home-made foods, it is important to reduce the masala content, ginger, and garlic since it causes fermentation, which results in the formation of gas in the stomach. Add more yoghurt to your food, and chew your food thoroughly and slowly before swallowing.

  1. I have a recurring infection in the rectum even after taking medicines. I also have been diagnosed with gall stones. Is there a cure for this problem?

The symptoms indicate the possibility of proctocolitis. This condition needs long-term treatment since the intestine creates autoimmune responses, which result in recurring infection. Thus you might need to take medicines for a long term. Some might even need the medications for life.

If you are of young age, you might not need surgery for gall stones, but it is important to consult your doctor.

Also Read: Obesity and Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

  1. I have pain near the ribs in the portion above the lower stomach. Why is it caused, and what should I do?

Gall stones: This part near the ribs is called the upper quadrant, and most people experience pain in the right side. This is mostly because of the presence of gall stones. This can cause pain in the ribs portion and in the back, and some might even experience pain in the shoulders. This pain occurs when you eat oily foods primarily. Some might even get jaundice because of the gall stones.

Thus if you are experiencing repeated pain in these areas, especially after you eat oily foods, it is best to consult the doctor. Gall stones can be found using simple ultrasound scan and can be completely cured with laparoscopy.

Costochondritis: In women, there is a condition called costochondritis, which causes inflammation in the underside of the breastbone. This can cause pain while stretching the hand and sometimes even while coughing. This can be treated by ointments and physiotherapy.

Ulcer problems: This causes pain in the upper middle part of the stomach, but some might also experience pain on the right side.

Kidney problems: Kidney stones and damage in the kidney can also cause pain in the upper quadrant. These can be diagnosed with an ultrasound scan.

  1. I had stomach cancer and had an operation for it. I have been recommended to get treatments after the surgery. Is it necessary?

The chemotherapy treatments are mandatory even after the operation when the cancer cells are identified to be malignant. This is to double the chance of a complete cure of cancer. Thus if your oncologist recommends chemotherapy after surgery, it is important to go through with it.

Usually this involves 6 cycles of tablets and injections. The patient is also checked for fitness to the therapy before recommending it.

  1. What is the cause of constipation in young children? What are the remedies and ways to prevent it?

This is mainly because of the change in our dietary patterns. Less intake of water and fiber foods like vegetables and fruits are the two main causes of constipation, both in adults and children.

Less intake of water: Most children prefer juices and carbonated drinks over water. Children are usually active and thus need to stay hydrated all the time. Thus optimum intake of water is important to stay clear of constipation.

Less intake of fiber-laden foods: It is important to include fiber foods like cabbage and beans in the diet.

Generic problems: Some people by birth have slow processing colon, and this is called colon inertia, causing constipation. This usually gets better with age, but some might need long-term medications to treat the condition.

  1. A friend I know had Wilson’s disease, and she died recently. Now doctors are recommending her son to get tested for the same disease. What is Wilson’s disease, and is it hereditary?

Wilson’s disease causes accumulation of excess copper in the organs and, if not detected early, can turn out to be life-threatening.

Wilson’s disease is an inheritable disease, and thus there are chances of the children getting the disease if the parent has it. Usually tests are run to check the copper and other levels. If results turn out to be normal, you do not have to worry. But it is best to keep in touch with your hepatologist since it can cause problems later. If need arises, liver biopsy should be performed.

  1. My feet often get bloated. Why does this occur?

Swelling in the feet can be caused by many problems. The most common cause is venous insufficiency which involves inadequate blood movement up the veins from your feet to your heart. This condition might be prevalent among individuals who travel often and work that involves standing too much.

Too much standing or travelling can cause excess fluids to collect in the body tissues. This is called dependent edema and is common among old people.

Problems in the liver can cause fluid retention in legs and stomach. This is due to the lack of protein in the body

Diabetes is another cause of swelling of the feet. This might be because of the infection in feet that progresses due to a weak immune response.

  1. I have a chronic problem of gastritis. I have tried both allopathy and Ayurvedic medicines but have not found a permanent cure. I stayed in the UK for 6 months and did not encounter any problems. Is there a remedy to this problem?

You can choose to go with allopathy or Ayurvedic medicines, whichever is effective for you, but the main thing is to not overlap them both. Choose a clear option, and then proceed with it.

You have not encountered any problems while in the UK but do so when you return to India because of the foods habits. Indian food is laden with masala and spices which is not the case in the UK. Thus it would be better to reduce the number of spices and masala in your food. Reducing stress with optimum amount of daily sleep and good dietary habits can benefit you in the long term.

  1. My wife was advised to take MRI scan while suspecting the presence of gall stones. Should I be concerned?

If an MRI is recommended, the doctors might be suspecting stones in the bile duct. If there is presence of stones in bile duct, it should be immediately treated since it can cause many problems like infection in pancreas and jaundice. Thus it would be best to immediately proceed with the MRI scan.

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